Take a look at the large selection of apps and tools below which can help with many aspects of supporting your health and wellbeing such as helping you to get active, stop smoking, eat better and look after your mental wellbeing.

The Couch to 5K is a very popular app which takes you through a 9-week running course at your own pace.

The Active 10 app shows you how much brisk walking you are currently doing. You can then see how you can increase the amount of brisk walking you do.

Created for those who want to stop smoking for good, the NHS Quit Smoking app is a 28 day programme that puts practical support, encouragement, and tailored clinical advice in the palm of your hand.

Find out how much sugar, salt and saturated fat is in your food and drink with the Food Scanner app.

The NHS Weight Loss plan app takes you through a 12 week course and looks at what you are eating and how active you are.

The Heart Age Test offers an online assessment for anyone over 30 which allows a person to input basic physical and lifestyle-related information, and provides an immediate estimation of their ‘heart age’.

Take our quiz to get your score, and see simple steps and ideas to look after your health and feel better. Take the first step today – let’s do this!

The Quit Plan Tool is a very easy to use tool that can suggest support you can get to help you with going smokefree.

5-question quiz for personalised ideas to improve your mental health and wellbeing, ready for whenever you need it. Click to get Your Mind Plan now.